Essay Title
Big Brother, The Form Of Panopticism For All The Family To Enjoy.
Main Issues
. Explanation of Foucault’s Panopticism
. Referring also to theory’s of the gaze
. Describe how Big Brother is a panoptic model
. Touching on the subject of how the panoptic model has an impact upon contestants behaviour
. Also looking at the different aspects to Gaze theory, as contestants behave to several audiences.
Visual Matter
. In terms of graphic design, i will look at the different logo designs of the ‘all seeing eye’
. I will also look and analyze footage from the show, taken from Youtube, 4OD, the present series on at this moment in time, both live footage and highlights.
. Panopticism
. Gaze Theory
Theorists /// Writers
. Foucault
. D. Chandler
. Daniel Chandler, Notes on ‘The Gaze’
. Foucaults book on panopticism
. articles on big bro